Friday, August 13, 2010

war without end

America has sold its soul, and I don't just mean politically. The voices of tens of thousands of murdered Iraqis and Afghanis scream to be heard and no one listens. If the Wikileaks outpouring of documents relating to the Afghanistan campaign tell us anything, it is that there has been a shit ton of what is euphemistically termed "collateral damage." Meaning stray bombs and bullets, or in many cases intentionally fired bombs and bullets killing innocent victims. Collateral damage. What a sterile term, signifying next to nothing. People die and we sit in the suburbs, complacent and complicit, unwilling to change course. This war has gone on nearly 9 years now, the longest military engagement in American history, with no sign of abating. What is it exactly that we are doing in Afghanistan, and to what purpose?