Monday, May 17, 2010

the world

The world balances on the edge of a razor. Wars and rumors of wars fly by and get their fifteen seconds of fame. Meanwhile the masses and I ignore it, wrapped up in our own pursuits. Sometimes, though, I wonder "why are there so many thousands of nuclear weapons?" Enough to destroy all of humanity, enough to wipe it out completely. Who are these psychopaths in charge that would tempt fate? The black and white Kubrick film Dr. Strangelove comes to mind when they say "Mr. President, we cannot have a mine shaft gap!" It captures the insanity in sublime comedic fashion. That's all that can be done, really, is to laugh. Why? Because the nuclear weapons are not going away, and while they have not been used since World War II, they will eventually be used again. It's only a matter of time.

Monday, May 10, 2010

An Interesting Attempt To Retain Yet Withholding Nothing

The idea that in order to 'retain' is to 'restrain' is not an old one, but it is never quite put into that exact framework of words; it usually is accompanied by terms and buzzwords such as "peace keeping" and "freedom fight." The groundwork, laid (most delicately, mind you!), is a silly, barren and simple-minded ruse used to propagate buzz words. The buzz words that integrate into our culture's registry-of-commitment. The buzz words exist to stop thought. Perhaps you, dear reader, think it is possible to begin thinking outside of the box? Chances are it is too late - the common thread in the words 'too late' are 'two' and 'late,' and the number two represents a duality - reality, and your own reality. Fry it on into your conscious.

welcome to my latest blog

Herein lies my latest foray into blogging. It has been, as they say, far, far too long. I've blogged on, on livejournal, on blogger, and on my own site. All this over the course of the last decade and then some. I'd say I've learned a thing or two about writing on the internet, but that would be pretentious, so I won't. This blog will seek to be professionally concise while remaining intentionally vague so that you, the reader, may reach his or her own conclusions. The subject for my next post: planes, trains, and monorails. Okay, maybe just monorails.